Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Nice to Meet You All

I am Sami, I'm a twenty-four year old single girl living the very single lifestyle in the lovely town of Denton, Texas. I am a nanny to three incredible kids (who I will refer to throughout this blog as G1, G2, and G3) and the mommy to my two precious pups (Nolan an Lola). As my big boy Nolan's name suggests, I am a HUGE fan of the Texas Rangers (owned by Nolan Ryan, for those of you who aren't knowledgeable in baseball).

This whole blogging thing is something I've tried and tried again. I love the idea of sharing my ideas, and projects and life with people who may or may not really care, but my laziness and lack of motivation have left other blogs gathering dust. Luckily I have an amazing best friend (of 14 years!!) who loves creating and DIYing and blogging as much as I do. So we've put our brains together and created Living in the Junk Drawer.

Logistically we have decided that us co-writing posts will never work out so we will be individually posting. After many many days of brainstorming what exactly I'd like my half of the junk drawer to consist of, I've decided that although I am a creature of habit and I thrive on schedules and routines I just cant imagine telling you that my blog posts will be this, this, and this. I can't limit myself, so all I will say is there will be a  little bit of everything, no rhyme or reason...just like a junk drawer. Let's get started, Cheers!

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