Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hello everyone! I am Jessika, I am a single mom of two beautiful, wild, crazy, make you want to pull your hair out toddlers. Gavin is almost 4 and Gracyn is almost 2. We live in a small town in the middle of no where called Windom. I am a hair stylist, a profession that I started at the ripe age of 5 when I chopped all my blond curls off... on one side of my head.

I have always been crafty, I would make my barbie houses out of milk crates, and search my house for anything that I could cut up or glue to make into furniture. It got me in trouble some...but it was well worth it, my barbies had to live in style too! I took my first cooking class when I was in the third grade. I got my first camera with my birthday money when I was 11. My mom taught me how to sew when I was in Jr. High, the first thing that I made was a pair of pj pants with jalapeno peppers all over them, I called them my hot pants, and I still have them and wear them. As a teenager I would go to the mall with friends shopping and everything I picked up I would say "I could make that...I'm not going to buy something that I can make..." I was in art in high school and loved every minute of it. When I got out of school I woke up one day a couple of weeks after graduating and decided that I was going to cosmetology school...that's how I decide things in my life, if I wake up and want to do it...just go for it, if I over think it I will chicken out. I'm notorious for changing my hair...blond, brown, red, short, long, curly, straight.
Creating is something that I love to do... I'm kind of a jack of all trades when I comes to art, I love all forms of it, and I want to learn as much as I can. So my half of Living in the Junk Drawer will be a journal of my journey to create art, meals, and a beautiful home. Mix in some crazy stories about my kids and my life, and you will fully understand why we called the blog Living in the Junk Drawer. You never know what you are going to find when you look in, but you always find just what you need. Hope y'all enjoy reading just as much as we are going to love writing and creating for y'all.

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