Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Turning off the TV

My ideal work day would end in coming home and doing absolutely nothing. Pull in the driveway, play with the dogs in the backyard for a bit, come inside, put on pajamas and open a bottle of wine. The end. And that's how most of my days end, plus or minus a couple other tasks. The thing is, my life is exploding right now, at least I feel like it is. I have to move out of my house in about 5 weeks, and in that time I have to not only find a new house but pack my entire life, oh yeah, and did I mention that before moving day I have 3 birthday parties, 2 graduations, 2 graduation parties, Mother's Day, at least one Ranger's game, and a wedding to fill my weekends.

So my 'come home and veg out' days are over, for now. For the next week, or more if needed, I will come home and the TV will stay off until I finish my daunting To-Do list which includes...

Around the house-
  • grocery shopping
  • exercise (3x)
  • pack kitchen decor
  • pack living room decor
  • put away laundry
  • make headbands
  • make wreath
  • cook dinner (3x)
  • Twins' birthday presents
  • Taylor's birthday present
  • pack and clean outside
  • clean kitchen
  • change bedding
  • find a house!
  • graduation gifts
  • School (3x)
  • Blog (3x)
Scheduled Events (today until Sunday)-
  • Jazz Fest
  • Babysit (Friday and Saturday Nights)
  • Taylor's Birthday Party
  • House Hunting
  • Dinner at Kyle's
  • Monthly work friends dinner

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