Friday, April 20, 2012

My Fairy Tale

Today was the first day that I was going to post something creative... I had it all planned out to sew Gracyn a pillow case dress out of a vintage lace trimmed pillow case. But honestly my kids are not going to let that happen today. There are tons of blogs out there that write and make their lives seem like fairy tales, they have great happy kids, a husband that supports everything they do, they live in a house that looks like the pages of a magazine. I do not. Most days I feel like I'm treading water and about to drown. So today I'm going to write about the real life of a single mom of two.

Lets get started...We start our morning at about 3 in the morning when one or both of my children end up in the bed with me. Gracyn wants to sleep on me, and Gavin snores (he makes noises that someone that size should not even be able to make) oh and he grinds his teeth. They wake up some where between 7-7:30 and are ready to go for the day. I fix breakfast...pancakes, toast, pop tarts....what ever they ask for and keeps them from screaming. They usually end up fighting because Gracyn eats part of Gavin's and even though he doesn't want it, he doesn't want her to have it. I love the days I'm working because that means I get to take them to daycare! I love daycare. Its the best thing in the world. Work is not work...Home is work. So if I'm not working then we are home for the day... they watch TV, play, and we read lots for books...well not really lots of books, but I read the same Christmas book over and over and over. I used to let them go outside and play.... but Gracyn runs right for the horses so they can't go outside with just one adult I have to have another set of eyes. I cook lunch at about 11:30, grilled cheese, or ravioli something easy, Gracyn eats all of hers, Gavin does not. Gavin wants to snack all afternoon because he wouldn't eat lunch and I usually end up finding him on the counter fixing himself a nutella sandwich and he gets in trouble.

Gracyn cries a lot. A lot is an understatement. She was born almost 2 years ago...she started crying then, and still hasn't stopped. We spend the afternoon playing....and they fight. I cook supper and they eat some more...I really can't wait for bed time. Finally the room is quite...except for snoring and teeth griding. I can breathe. I'm so exhausted that all I want to do is sleep but I usually can't go to sleep so I lay there and think about projects that I want to do...I keep a note book next to my bed so I can write important things down, I always come up with the best ideas, and solve all my problems as I'm drifting off to sleep.

Those of you that are single moms you understand. Those of you that want to get married and have 5 kids...well you are insane...and those of you that are surviving with 5 kids...give me some tips on how you keep your head above water. Cause at least once a day I have a moment when I want to run away....I don't do it...but oh how I want to. There are lots of thing that I wish I could go back and change in my life...stupid mistakes that I have made, people that I have hurt...but I wouldn't trade my kids for anything... they are something that I would not change. They are a part of me...maybe all the bad stuff... but that's my fault isn't it. But when Gracyn crawls up in my lap and tells me the she "woves" me it makes it all worth it. That is my fairy tale. I will work on some projects over the weekend and be ready for next week...but in the mean time. I'm going to take my kids to their dad's house for the weekend and I'm going to drink some wine.

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